Saturday, January 16, 2010

Kuntree Mous muvs to Big Citee

Things shur r diffrnt, livvin heer in the big citee.

First, Mr. Mous and Ms. Mous leev all dehr stuf in Big House in little kuntre town n cum liv in teenee apartemunt in Big Citee. Big House be vere spensive Storij Shed. Tenee apartemunt be Luv Nest.

This week, Ms. Mous lern Metro Pass n find out why Citee mouses theenk that 30 mph is mayking gud time. Even on hiway.

Fud in Big Citee evreewehr! Diffrunt mouses evreewehr too! Diffrunt speeking evreewehr! Diffrunt dressing evreewehr! Sum gud, reel gud. Sum frum hohmland. Sorta funnee but remind Kuntree Mous of Amish in hohmtown who wehr dehr ohn funnee clozhe. Mr. Mous, now he have office job n wehr suit evreeday. Ms. Mous lookeng for job, wants dress up and relax at same time.

Go to groshuree stor n find Beer and Wine in stor! Ms. Mous act like Kuntree Mous n tayk picture of Spotted Dick on shelf. N wahndr around excited bout Beer n Wine IN STOR! But in shopeeng, manee choices. So many, hard two find simple theengs. Kuntree mousses do not need can ohpenner whut kostes $18.99! That sillee. Kuntree mousses do not need "Simple Human" trash kan for kithin what kostes $60.00! That make no sens to Simpl Kuntree Mous.

But apartemunt iz Big Adventure! Ellevatr wrks but Kuntree Mouses tak stayrs most time. Only four floors. Walk doun hallway to washerdrier room lik in collij dorm. Say hi to naybrz az thay rush away to ketch bus. Go doun street n opn mike nite at coffee shop. Welcum to Big Citee!