Friday, January 02, 2009

Bumper Sticker Snobbery


How do trendy social climbers do a one-up on bumper stickers? Why would they want to?

Seriously now: Studies somewhere show a correlation between the number of bumper stickers someone's plastered all over their car and the likelihood of the car's owner erupting into some crazy road rage act—fully-justified, of course. Is there any other kind?

But in this day of $300,000 starter homes and On-Star; mortgages, SUV payments, satellite radio and Blackberries established BFS (Before Fiscal Sense), keeping up with the Jones' has taken a new twist.

Flat Stanley's keen eye observes that it's not enough anymore to be jonesin' for your neighbor's address or wife (or husband or boyfriend or girlfriend or children or—) or lawn care service or even their SUV. Now, even the bumper stickers are trashy-chic. Is this the true indication of the current economic climate, when the trappings of the would-be nuveaux riche are reduced to bumper sticker fashion?

So maybe you're wondering, what the hell is Flat Stanley talking about? Maybe it's an East Coast thing, but around here, the sheep are separated from the goats not only by the number of inches between the ground and the drivers' seat, but also by the shape and location of the bumper sticker.

Regular middle class people have rectangular bumper stickers stuck to conventional locations. This car climbed Mt. Washington – right rear. Ok, poor example. That's definitely less than middle class. How about Question Authority. Nah. Too counter-culture, although edging toward junior-year respectability. I love my cat. FS is kidding. Not even eccentric rich people sport that one. A-ha. My kid is an honor student at F.U. Elementary School. Soccer parents. So not cool.

OXB Black lettering centered on a white oval with a black ring. Getting c-l-o-s-e-r-r-r. USA Black lettering centered on a white oval with a black ring. CBF Black lettering centered on a white oval with a black ring. All fine indications that the vehicle owner is an aspiring social climber, but the true test lies in the real estate.

Location, location, location. The truly classy don't permit their ovals to accentuate random bits of chrome or color-matched bumper. Realizing the value of understatement, rejecting the values implied in disorder, and embracing the implications of upscale, those aspiring to the status of Have Arrived indicate their ambition by arranging their collection of ovals in rows or colums on the back window of their SUV.

FS has told the reader how trendy social climbers notify fellow travelers of their social aspirations. As to the why? When all ya got is the delusion of substance, the illusion of subtance is all yuh need.



Karen ^..^ said...

YAY!!! Now I can be a social climber wanna be!!! Time to ditch the economical Chevy cavelier for a gas guzzling Lexus SUV, which, by the way, must dumb down the driving skills of the over medicated, over botoxed, Starbucks coffee swilling bitches that drive them while yakking on their cell phones. Then again, all of those that place those bumper stickers oh so carefully on their prized status symbols are also wannabees. They just don't think WE realize it. Holy crap.

This was beautiful. Informative and yet still dripping with sarcasm. I love it.

Don't I Know You? said...

Yoh, somewhere in your inbox is a comment that Flat Stanely left on you latest post. No problem that it's not posted, just letting you know it's there because FS knows you've mentioned that sometimes there's a glitch in your system.

On the other hand, FS may have forgotten to hit "Publish."

Karen ^..^ said...

Was it published? I don't know what post it was on, as I've been pretty active on my blog lately.

Then last week I went through and edited everything, as my daughter informed me that her dad's wife has read my blog and hates me now. LOL.

(dark days posts)

I never published his name on those, but hey, she didn't like reading about our marital discord, I suppose. So I went through and took his first name off all posts, and even deleted a bunch of them. Mostly the "dark days" posts.

I'm home sick today, I have a spinny head and definite sinus issues. bleah.

I should go in, but I don't relish the thought of sitting ALL day long doing nothing anyway. Double bleah.

So here I sit, with ibuprofen and water, trying to fight the nausea borne of my head spinning out of control.

Hope all is well with you.

Don't I Know You? said...

most assuredly, i am much well-er today than you seem to be feeling!


Anonymous said...

I only object to one comment...what does FS have against Mt. Washington????

Don't I Know You? said...

YO, Anonymous, and FS knows who you are, Nothing. FS has nothing against Mt. Washington. It's creative license.

(FS sticks out tongue and runs away laughing)