Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's Election Time!

Last year we had dirty politics, a dirty nominating committee, manipulation of the election process, stolen ballots, and charges of miscounting. The result was the election of an incompetent non-performing, dysfunctional bobblehead to a key role in the organization.

THIS year, however, Flat Stanley and others, having learned some huge lessons, put together a nominating committee of unquestioned and widely recognized integrity, put the word out to the entire organization as to what constitutes fair campaigning, implemented a zero-tolerance abuse policy, and staffed the credentials and ballot-counting committees with high-compliance, strong-willed people.

Therefore, our bobblehead is not on the ballot. He can still be nominated from the floor, and hey, it could happen — but after a year of strong, strong leadership from #1 (Flat Stanley) and #2 (second in command), and an incredibly strategic campaign by #2, the elections have a high likelihood of putting good people in place for the coming year.

Yes. It should be good. Oh yes, it should.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

FS is a Sexy Blogger and Here's Why:

Flat Stanley has been tagged with the Sexy Blogger award. Being of a good nature, and appreciating the touch, Flat Stanley investigated first, what the heck a meme is, since the person who tagged her (Karen) is someone who FS doesn't mind humoring every now and then. Oh! There you are, Karen. I was just talking about you. ;-)

A meme (pronounced /miːm/ - rhyming with "dream"), a postulated unit or element of cultural ideas, symbols or practices, gets transmitted from one mind to another through speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena.

Cultural ideas, symbols and practices that identify FS as "sexy."
  1. Hair. Hey. For an old lady, FS is vainly holding her own. Aiming for a beautiful head of silver, FS gamely pays a hairdresser to camouflage the transition from childhood blonde to 30-something dark to woops-that's-lotta-white-you-got-coming-in-at-the-temples.
  2. Physique. FS is blessed with a body that is recognized in her culture as acceptable. Some would say cute. Many would kill for. Not boob-acious in any stretch of the imagination, and not even curvaceous, but lithe. And lithe works for FS.
  3. Powerful. The little woman is a five-star general disguised as that nice little lady who lives on the corner and is universally addressed as "Mam" by small children and growed up 30-somethings alike.
  4. Feminine. Can you belive it? FS has always thought of herself so far from feminine that she feared being mistaken for butch. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Turns out that people see FS as incredibly composed and, therefore, lady-like. Heh. Little do they realize that FS learned that by observing other powerful women. OK, FS owns it: She's feminine and don't you dare fuck with her.
  5. Universal. FS gets along with just about everybody except for self-sabotaging morons who swaddle themselves in the filth of their own dysfunctionalities. All that high-falutin' talk about love and acceptance stops right there at the door. But, hey, the reality is that people generally enjoy being around high-energy, eternally optimistic, simultaneously cranky people such as Flat Stanley.
Dang, FS IS cool, eh?