Thursday, April 30, 2009

It's Election Time!

Last year we had dirty politics, a dirty nominating committee, manipulation of the election process, stolen ballots, and charges of miscounting. The result was the election of an incompetent non-performing, dysfunctional bobblehead to a key role in the organization.

THIS year, however, Flat Stanley and others, having learned some huge lessons, put together a nominating committee of unquestioned and widely recognized integrity, put the word out to the entire organization as to what constitutes fair campaigning, implemented a zero-tolerance abuse policy, and staffed the credentials and ballot-counting committees with high-compliance, strong-willed people.

Therefore, our bobblehead is not on the ballot. He can still be nominated from the floor, and hey, it could happen — but after a year of strong, strong leadership from #1 (Flat Stanley) and #2 (second in command), and an incredibly strategic campaign by #2, the elections have a high likelihood of putting good people in place for the coming year.

Yes. It should be good. Oh yes, it should.


DD said...

Determination gets what it wants and you are one determined sexy thang!!

I'll pour you a glass of wine on celebration day!!

Karen ^..^ said...

Fingers crossed, dear cousin. I doubt you'll need it, but just in case. <3

Don't I Know You? said...

THX, both! This will be an exciting day. Incoming hopefuls are excited. I'll post tonight or tomorrow on election results.

(fingers crossed to cover all the bases.)