Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Tag, You're It.

The dealio is to go to your Pictures file and then go in the first folder and pull out the tenth photo to post and write about.

Take a gander at Flat Stanley's tenth photo: Photobucket

This is the entrance to Brendonk, a concentration camp located in Belgium and used by the Germans to house prisoners during WWII. Flat Stanley visited this place two years ago as part of a graduate class called "Origins of Democracy." This was the only concentration camp we visited. The class was comprised of about 20 young 20-somethings, a coupla professors, and one geezer (FS).

FS's fellow students were a stunning group of people. The trip was awesome. This particular tour, sobering. Everyone: Younger, older, rowdier, more studious — everyone toured this facility with the tension produced by an hour or two of holding back tears in public. The interior of the prison was heavy, gray, concrete, low-light, metal drinking troughs, uneven brick floors, wooden bunks in compressed cells. Oppressive. The tour guide was an historian who had conducted extensive interviews with a man who had been held there. This prison was, overall, hailed as a fairly good place to go, as prisoners were not executed en masse or exported to gas chambers.

The head of this prison was a man, an ordinary man, who was generally not well-liked and looked down upon by his neighbors. Once installed as the head, he and his wife took hold of their new-found power and used it to become inhumane. They had a pet dog they would use to attack, bite, torture and kill prisoners. It is amazing and scary and sobering, FS thinks, that under different, "normal" circumstances, this couple would have bumbled through life and never have done anything remotely as monstrous as this.

On to a happier topic, photo #15:


Same trip, Venice. What is a trip with a bunch of college students if one can't take a moment to kiss some real fine ass? FS stole the idea from some cute girls she saw doing the same thing. The awesome background is the Doge's Palace at St. Mark's Cathedral in Venice. No, not Florida. Italy. Italy, you know? That big boot-looking thing you see on maps next to France?

Over and out, FS, World Traveler


Candice said...

That is one fine, hard piece of ass that you're kissing.

I'm a little jealous.

Don't I Know You? said...

Candice, you shoulda seen the specs this guy was wearing. HOT!

DD said...

Nice butt you're smooching there :)

Maybe the butt belonged to the prison guard and you were just trying to convince him to NOT put you in his prison?!

Bretthead said...

good job FS

Karen ^..^ said...

Nice. How old was that statue?

Men had great cans back then.

Don't I Know You? said...

Karen, It was because they spent so much time riding in chariots and warring. Builds great cans.

Don't I Know You? said...

age, age, don't know enough about art to guess. Palace began construction in 9th century. Statue could be only a few hundred years old.