Streaming observations from Flat Stanley's spouse from his vantage point Saturday evening sitting outside a bar in the Adams-Morgan district early Saturday evening
6:01 pm— at columbia stattion on sidewalk with jazz trio (guitar, piano an dbass cello) - your kinda volume even though they only 8 ft away - all acoustic
6:03 pm— S'tres bon
Having a perfect manhattan with.
No pickups going on, though :-D
6:05 pm— and i take back pick up remark- restaurant next door has coupl on first date both hot & heavy to impress!
6:21 pm— Btw-i got old couple love, nerdling love, and two eastern europeans with a hooker goin on now!
6:22 pm— An embarrassment of eavesdropper riches!
6:23 pm— The nerdlings are AWESOME! Such a classic look - they could be friends with napoleon dynamite!
6:25 pm— $12 bottomless mimosas & bloddy mary's sunday am@ town tavern (next to col. Stn.)
(caps by mistake not yelling)
I love the city :->
6:31 pm— & i can die happy - guy on a bike with dildos tied on string trailing behind like cans on a honeymooc car!
I am fulfilled ??!!??
Woot for adams morgan!
6:33 pm— You can't make this stuff up!
6:39 pm— OMG - nerdlinz are leaving and she has a "hello kitty" hung in a noose made from her hair!!!!
6:42 pm— Lez first date - the "sub" is all googly eyed and ordered "wine" to drink when waiter asked "red or white" she said "yes"
6:59 pm— Family walking past. Daughter (13 yrs?), "mom, these restaurants scare me."
7:03 pm— It just gets better! guys stumble out of bar, hail cab. Cab pulls over, one guy opens door, other guy pukes on street, cab drives off almost dragging first guy down street. First guy screaming hissy fit@ puking guy.
7:13 pm— I gotta replacement old couple
7:18 pm— There are some awesome looks here that, when deconstruceed, must take a depressing amount of time to look "undone."
7:22 pm— Guy just got off bus carrying a DRUM SET!
7:25 pm— Scoring update: Lesbians going to subs aparment for "more great converstation." I refuse to make tongue wagging jokes.
7:29 pm— Hahahahahaha Fat guy on bike just hit fat lady crossing street.
You CANNOT make this up!
7:30 pm— I feel like i'm at a people watcherz smorgasbord!
7:36 pm— I hate seeing this stuff that's not so funny-guy walking a girl down the street with a grip on her elbow-prettry sure it hurt.
7:43 pm— New use for a bike - girl walking hers up street, guy hits on her & won't let her past, she ram the bike between his legs.
Is this like a special nite for me or just a night in adams morgan?
8:07 pm— Moved on to madams organ
8:09 pm— Guy bside me just went to bathroom and left his satchel hanging at the bar!
8:12 pm— guy just came in w/ entourage - looks like Ben Jealous. Hmmmmm.
Lotta fun stories in the big naked city. This one ends when the narrator realizes he's had enough to drink and heads for home. Until next Saturday night, this is Flat Stanley. Reporting on Real Life.
you could write a book. good stuff!
Best post of the year!
Doesn't everyone drag dildos behind their bike when they go for a stroll?
I'm ready for another night in adams morgan! :-D
candice - this is the only bike I have ever seen with dildoes. perhaps i need to get out more
mr. flat stanley.
Healing up well. Hit me up on Facebook
you may have to hit me up. there's only wunna me and many imitation yous.
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